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Hey there, I'm

I'm a bilingual Japanese-American actor, host, and gamer

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hot off the mic!

so, here's my story

I'm Mari, a bilingual Japanese-American actor, host, and gamer. I'm a former professional ballerina who crash-landed onto YouTube, finding it the perfect stage to refine my talents as a host and actor. I grew an ensemble gaming channel to over 7MM+ subscribers. Videos I wrote and starred in have amassed over 2B+ views.

My formal theatrical training carved the way for my digital journey and I pride myself in having respect, a deep knowledge of, and experience in both traditional and new media. 


From SMOSH to Survivor, YouTube to Netflix, I'm fueled by a passion for storytelling and I'm eager to bring your next creative project to life!

Want the longer version?



Thank you for another incredible year -- see you in '25!



See me on the NAB LIVE show with Nicki Sun on Monday, April 15th


Featured Creator schedule (including panels and meet-and-greets) coming soon. Would love to connect!

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